This page last changed on Feb 26, 2008.

Oracle Data Service Integrator Documentation > Data Services Developer's Guide

Relationship Modeler Options

This section describes some of the common operations you will use when working with the relationship modeler.

Model Right-click Menu Options

You can edit your model using a combination of right-click menu options and the model Property Editor. Table 5-14 describes right-click options based on the functional area of the model diagram that is in scope.

Notable Data Model Options
Scope Command Meaning
Data Model  New Data Service Allows you to create a new data service. After selecting a name and physical location for the data service, the service is created and placed on the diagram. 
  Find Data Service Locates a data service within your model.
  Select Router Type
Adjusts visual presentation of relationship lines based on the Manhattan model or shortest-path model.
  Generate Report Creates either a Summary or Detail report in an Eclipse HTML-based page. The report describes data services in your model, their bilateral relationships, and a description of each data service.
Data Service Open Opens the currently selected data service in Design View (see Creating a Data Service). 
  Create Relationship to Another Data Service Dialog allows you to select from a list of data services in the model diagram. As with drawing a line between two data services, this option brings up the Relationship wizard. (See Using the Relationship Wizard to Create Navigation Functions.
  Add Related Data Service The Add Related command is available when one or several data services are selected in the model. Add Related lists data services that contain navigation functions referencing your currently selected data source. Click on the service you want to add and then repeat the process to add other available related services, if any.
  Remove from Diagram
Removes the selected data service from the model diagram. Alternatively, use the Delete key.
This operation does not affect the underlying data service.
Provides for either safe delete or renaming of the currently selected data service. This is comparable to operations available for a data service from the Overview tab.
  Associate XML Type
Provides a dialog where a different schema (XSD) file can be selected from the current project.
Changing a schema type for a data service can affect its functions as well as its relationships to other data services.
  Manage Key...
Opens the Manage Key dialog box, allowing for modification of the key associated with the current data service.
  Delete Key...
Deletes any key asociated with the current data service.
  Add Operation
Adds an operation (function or procedure) to the currently selected data service. 
  Show/Hide Native XML Types Optionally displays/hides native types for elements representing physical objects associated with simple data types. Example: VARCHAR(25).
  Show Function Signatures Displays/hides full read function signatures such as: getAddress() as element(Address)
Relationship lines connecting data services can be deleted by first selecting the line, then pressing Delete.
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 13, 2009 15:57